What Happened in October?
Some of you noticed my October absence on social media. To be honest it was a tough month. While it started off with a simple ear infection, it progressed to two more recurrent ear infections, an eye problem and a kinked neck from lying down the wrong way. One ailment lead to another and my emotional energy progressively declined. Initially, I gave myself the time and space to rest and relax, but I was impatient and soon enough that relaxation turned into a feeling of pressure and stress because I wasn’t feeling better, wasn’t working on content, or keeping up with the schedule I set for myself. This feeling evolved to guilt and overwhelm and soon enough I was down physically and mentally. About three weeks in, I finally managed to surrender to time and space. I gave myself both, and that’s when the healing began.
I think we put so much pressure on ourselves to be our best, or live by a schedule that it can be hard to leave room for letting go, even though that’s what we need most to recharge. Once I was on the mend, I recovered quite quickly, and I felt more grateful than ever to just get back to my usual self.
Funny enough, October was a strange month for many people. I heard and read stories of friends and public figures who found themselves overwhelmed and struggling with positivity during October. Maybe it’s in the stars but thank goodness, November has a lively energy to it.
Bringing this round to skincare, I admit that my routine fell apart as well. It was at a minimum, and some days I didn’t even wash my face! So, if you’e ever too exhausted or unwell, and you skip your skin care regimen for a day or two, give yourself the space and allow yourself to be as you are, knowing you’ll return to your routine as soon as you feel able. I think October was a reminder to do just that.