Neuromodulator INSTRUCTIONS

After Your Neurotoxin Treatment

  • Do not wear a headband, hat or anything that will compress the injection sites across your forehead or eyebrows (if you had injections in these areas) for 4 hours.

  • Refrain from aerobic exercise that increases your heart rate greatly (running, swimming, bicycling, etc...) for 6 hours following injections. Walking or other low impact forms of exercise are fine.

  • Do not massage or manipulate injected areas for 6 hours after injections. Wash your face gently without rubbing. Make up may be applied.

  • Avoid using a mechanical facial cleansing brush, facial treatment, facial massage or use a massage cradle for the face, or be face down in a chiropractor’s chair for 6 hours following the injection.

  • If you get a bruise, refrain from using ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil supplements, alcohol or vitamin E for 12 hours following injection.

  • If bruising appears, apply ice to area for 5 minutes on, 5 min off for 20 min.

  • To reduce bruise longevity, consider taking ARNICA MONTANA 30C: Dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times a day starting 4 days prior to appointment. You may continue until the bruising and swelling has subsided (usually 7-14 days). Do not brush your teeth, eat, or drink anything but water 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after taking Arnica Montana. Avoid touching the pellets with your fingers by using the bottle cap to place the pellets under your tongue. It is important to place pellets under the tongue and let dissolve naturally.

  • The most common side effect from neuromodulator injections is a headache. You may use Tylenol to relieve this. If you suffer from chronic headaches and have a prescription headache medication, you may take it as prescribed by your doctor.

  • The neuromodulator will gradually take effect over 2-14 days with optimum result at 2 weeks. A 2-3 week follow up appointment is suggested for reassessment or corrections. 

    Please call or text Dr. Ania Weissmann if you have any questions or concerns at (949) 441-2021.