Sculptra instructions 

Before the Procedure:

  • Make sure you let your doctor know if you have a family or personal history of autoimmune disease, psoriasis, eczema, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis.

  • Avoid supplements containing any of the following ingredients: Bilberry, Cayenne, Dong Quai, Echinacea, Feverfew, Fish Oil, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Hawthorne, Kava Kava, Licorice Root, Ma Huang (ephedra), Red Clover, St. John’s Wort, Valerian Root, Vitamin E for 5 days prior to injection. These ingredients increase possibility of bleeding/bruising.

  • Avoid alcohol consumption for 2 days prior to procedure to minimize the risk of bruising.

Post-Sculptra Instructions:

  • DO massage the treated areas five times a day for about 5 minutes for five days after treatment. Then twice daily, for two minutes, for two weeks.

  • Feel free to wear makeup the following day.

  • Treated areas may be red, swollen, and bruised for the first 2-7 days.

  • Do NOT get a facial or massage for two weeks after your procedure.

  • Tylenol or ibuprofen may be taken for pain.

  • Avoid strenuous workouts and alcohol for 48 hours. Light exercise is ok the following day

  • If bruising occurs, continue Arnica supplements, do apply topical Arnica gel, drink fresh

    pineapple juice, and/or take Bromelain supplements to help bruising resolve faster.

  • Bruising can be covered with makeup.

  • A few days after treatment, you will look as you did before treatment. This is normal, as the volume achieved immediately following treatment was secondary to water which will be absorbed by your body, leaving the sculptra in place to build your own collagen.

    To reduce bruise longevity, consider taking ARNICA MONTANA 30C: Dissolve 3 pellets under tongue 3 times a day starting 4 days prior to appointment. You may continue until the bruising and swelling has subsided (usually 7-14 days). Do not brush your teeth, eat, or drink anything but water 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after taking Arnica Montana. Avoid touching the pellets with your fingers by using the bottle cap to place the pellets under your tongue. It is important to place pellets under the tongue and let dissolve naturally.

    Buttock Augmentation:

  • Swelling and bruising is a normal occurrence.

  • No cardiovascular exercise until the initial swelling has subsided.

  • Avoid stationary pressure to the area that is longer than two hours. Change positions


  • Report any abnormal pain, bruising, or discoloration.

    Follow-Up Treatment:

  • Follow up treatments should be scheduled about every 8 weeks.

  • Visible results may not be seen until approximately 3 treatments have been completed.

  • Results vary and collagen stimulation continues over a period of at least 6 months after

    last treatment.

  • Results last more than two years.

    Call or text with questions or concerns after the treatment at (949) 441-2021